Our Client Services Team (CST) can help you more effectively schedule and manage your enterprise-wide production job workloads across multiple platforms. They will advise and train you on how to integrate Global ECS into your overall business model. The training is specifically designed to help you significantly increase the productivity of your IS personnel and maximize your ROI from Global ECS.
GECS Training at Your Location
Our on-site training is set up to last two full days. The content is compartmentalized into sessions that are intended for your operators, schedulers and GECS administrators. Your end-users can attend all sessions or just the ones that they are interested in. You will receive personalized instruction by our professional training staff. All of our training and consulting services are flexible. The CST will strive to accommodate your schedule and tailor the courses to suite your needs.
If you would like more information about having the CST come to your site, please call 219.942.9544 or email sales@vinzantsoftware.com.
GECS Online Training Classes
Over the last two years, hundreds of GECS end-users have taken online training courses to help maximize their investment in our software. Your GECS online training will be conducted by one of our experts and delivered via your browser and telephone. Each course is completely interactive and will include hands-on demonstrations and Q&A sessions.
Benefits of GECS Online Training:
*Cost Effective - Channel your training budget into training and not travel costs.
*Convenient – Courses are offered five days a week and can be taken from any PC with an internet connection.
*Consistent – Online training provides the ability to deliver consistent training – every time to every employee.
*Current – Vinzant Software adds functionality to GECS with each new release. Make certain you and your teams are taking full advantage those enhancements.
Online courses cost $250 per student per course.
GECS online training is sold in units. You don’t have to sign up for a particular course and have 12 months to use your online training units after purchasing course credits.
If you would like more information about purchasing GECS Online Training classes, please call 219.942.9544 or email sales@vinzantsoftware.com.
GECS Online Training Center
If you already have course credits, you can sign up for classes below. To complete enrollment in any class, you will need to know your license number and have a class authorization number.

This course is the first of two Scheduler courses. It will provide an overview of the various methods for creating jobs in the Global ECS system. You will learn how to use the Global ECS Administrator program to input jobs through the Jobs, Batches and Studio modules. Schedule and run sample jobs. You will also learn how to use the Global ECS Browser Based client programs. You will discover how to easily have your own or third party applications create jobs in Global ECS by using ASCII text WRK files. The differences between using each method of job creation and common practices for each will be discussed.
SCHEDULE : Every Monday 11:30AM - 1:30PM CST
Email: training@vinzantsoftware.com

This course is the second of two Scheduler’s courses. You will learn how to take full advantage of the Global ECS scheduling tools and techniques. You will learn how to schedule jobs to repeat using Absolute, Relative, Day of the Week or Special Schedules. Learn the differences between Dynamic and Static scheduling models. The use of custom Calendars for rescheduling, setting up valid time periods for jobs to run and using Vacation periods will be covered. You will also learn how to set/limit the number of times a job should run. The use of Trigger Files, Job Dependencies, Event Dependencies, user definable Resources and Job Priorities will be covered. This course does an excellent job of helping you set up, fine-tune and manage your production schedule using the Global ECS System.
SCHEDULE : Every Tuesday 11:30AM - 1:30PM CST
Email: training@vinzantsoftware.com

In this course, you will learn how to monitor and manage your production schedule using the Global ECS Administrator. You will learn how to create customized views of your jobs and Events. Administrator’s filtering capabilities allow information to stay manageable. You will learn how to check the status of Jobs as well as the various Global ECS System components.
You will be instructed on how to schedule and remove Batches from your production environment. The following scenarios and how to manage them will be covered: jobs have failed, jobs need to be manually stopped, jobs need to be rerun, jobs need to be skipped and rescheduled, jobs need to be put on hold, jobs need to be run ignoring dependencies and much more.
SCHEDULE : Every Wednesday 11:30AM - 1:30PM CST
Email: training@vinzantsoftware.com

This is the first of two Administrator courses. It is tailored for GECS Administrators. It covers system requirements, GECS architecture and Global ECS system setup. This includes installation of the GECS components, setting up users' workstations, creating Global ECS security profiles, adding new users, as well as setting up and creating Agent records. You will learn how to set up and fine-tune the Global ECS System in a distributed environment. Proper set up and configuration parameters of the GECS DBMS and Controller programs. Overview of GECS System Events and Configuring Event Definitions.
SCHEDULE : Every Thursday 11:30AM - 1:30PM CST
Email: training@vinzantsoftware.com

This is the second day of the Administrator’s course. Event Notification and email setup will be covered as well as an overview of Accounting Features. Security and Certificate Management is described. You will also learn how to start and manage the GECS Components including the DBMS, Controller, Web Manager and Agents. You will learn how to update license information. We will provide an overview of GECS command line utilities and suggestions for backing up the Global ECS system. Disaster recovery will also be covered.
SCHEDULE : Every Friday 11:30AM - 1:30PM CST
Email: training@vinzantsoftware.com

This course will provide information on the new enhancements included in the current version. It will cover the major differences between the current version of GECS and the previous version. It will provide suggestions for making your new GECS system more tailored to your needs. It also covers the steps you need to take in order to upgrade your systems to this new version.
SCHEDULE : Every Wednesday 2:00PM - 4:00PM CST
Email: training@vinzantsoftware.com
NOTE: If you enroll in a class and need to cancel for any reason, you need to do so at least 48 hours in advance. If you do not give 48 hours advance notice, you will still be charged for the class. To cancel a training session, please email the Global ECS Training Team and include your name, license number and confirmation number. You will receive this information via email after you enroll in a class. |