Monitoring Jobs and Batches
You can use the GECS Administrator Web Client to monitor and manage your GECS jobs.
Using Metadata
You can enter text in the Batch Metadata field. This text can then be used for filtering job views to make it faster and easier to find your GECS jobs.
Creating an FTP Job
File Transfer jobs execute FTP commands between the GECS Windows Agent and your FTP, FTPS, FTPES, SFTP or SCP server. Traditional FTP commands such as GET, PUT are supported.
Using Encrypted Credentials
GECS can automate your jobs securely by allowing you to define credentials with encrypted passwords. These credentials can be used when GECS launches a job.
SQL Query Samples
This document contains a variety of sample SQL Queries that customers have requested in the past. These samples are provided as a starting point for your own custom reporting if you need details outside of the lists offered using the GECS Administrator program.
Web Browser Client - Batch Studio
The v4.80 Web Browser Client contains a Batch Studio organizational tool used to create, illustrate, and arrange GECS batch jobs into logical job streams.
Notification Lists
Notification lists make it easy to store, share, change and reuse email and user group information.
Fine Tuning and Maintaining GECS
Here are some ways to keep GECS running at maximum performance.
Pause GECS with Scheduled Job
You can schedule a job via GECS that launches a batch file to cause the GECS components (system manager and controller) to temporarily pause for a predetermined amount of time.
Scan Output Through a File
In most cases the scan output fields will be sufficient to determine the return code based on the captured output, but in some situations you might need more flexibility. In this case you can use a scan file by specifying the file name.
Using Resources
Resources represent hardware, software, or other things (hardware or software, physical or logical) that are needed by jobs. Resources are limited in quantity either because only certain GECS Agents have them or there is a limited quantity of them on the system. Consequently, resources are either assigned to specific Agents or they are system wide resources.
WRK Files
WRK (pronounced work) files are one of the most powerful features of GECS. WRK files are used to add jobs or batch jobs to the GECS system without using the GECS Client programs. This is the easiest way to interface with GECS from other programs.
FTP Trigger Files
Jobs and depend on the presence or absence of single or multiple files. The trigger files can be entered in either standard drive/subdirectory format or in FTP format.